Giving Thanks

Dear customers and subscribers of Art by Physicist fashion brand,

Thank you for your support and interest. During Nov 27-30 (11:59 pm), you can use code THANKSGIVE for 10% off purchases of any limited-quantity in-stock clothing items. They will be shipped before Dec 2, ready for holiday outfit or gift-giving.

Art by Physicist was founded as a design studio, exploring the integration of the latest technologies into everyday wear. Designer KtY (Dr. Kitty Yeung) leveraged her knowledge in physics and hardware engineering and talent in the arts, handmade prototypes to prove possibilities in merging the two fields. Fashion is an art form that can communicate both. The designs explained technologies in a creative and artistic way.    

The fashion brand was launched to test the status quo of industry, both in terms of clothing manufacturing and available technologies. The two areas have been much separated in their respective developments. Fashion, considered more as a craft and less as a technical field, has been overlooked by the larger engineering community. Not only are most of KtY’s creative and technological designs too futuristic for the current industry to scale into complete products, the existing cutting-edge technologies are not solving some of the biggest pain points in the fashion supply chain. It was heartbroken for KtY to find out that the current fashion production is dominated by artificial trends, false prediction of sales, overproduction, overpricing, marking down, destroying and polluting the environment. 30% of clothing ever made are never sold; fashion industry contributes to 10% of global carbon footprint.    

To be the change, Art by Physicist aims to show the world that fashion, as a form of art, should be driven by need and creativity. The future of fashion is timeless and personalized. By pushing the industry to create processes that can scale the thoughtful designs and to make tech-fashion beyond the demo stage, the engineering and artistic fields will merge and help each other. Values generated from physical goods can contribute back to the society in a meaningful way. For Art by Physicist and people who pursue fashion for good, it is STEAM education and environmental protection.   



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